Crisis Chat

MSU’s Center for Survivors Crisis Chat is staffed by Survivor Advocacy Crisis Intervention trained volunteers from 10AM-10PM EST, 7 days a week. Our volunteers are here to support survivors, their friends, and family.

Support includes:

  • Discussing feelings related to sexual assault/sexual harassment/intimate partner violence
  • Connecting to campus & community resources
  • Information about advocacy services (housing, academic, medical, legal)
  • Answering questions you have about interpersonal violence

Crisis Chat is not a replacement for therapy. However, it is a way to get immediate support and access to resources.

If you are seeking therapy, The Center for Survivors offers free individual and group therapy for student, staff and faculty survivors. The Center for Survivors also offers free advocacy services for MSU faculty, staff, and students and community members in the Lansing area.

The Center for Survivors is a confidential resource and will not report information shared during Crisis Chat. However, the law requires that we break confidentiality when certain types of information are shared.

This includes:

  • Suspected child or elder abuse
  • Immediate threat to harm yourself or others
  • When subpoenaed by a court of law

Speaking or chatting with a Center for Survivors advocate means that you agree to these terms. Please feel free to ask the Center for Survivors advocate to explain more before sharing information if you have concerns about confidentiality.

If you report that you are actively suicidal or homicidal, we will encourage you to seek out emergency help or contact 911.

The MSU Center for Survivors will make every effort to secure your privacy. We do not ask for any identifying information (such as name, student ID, or location), except in those cases where we believe you are at risk of harming yourself or another. Please be aware that internet communication is never guaranteed to be private. If at any time you do not feel safe giving information via Crisis Chat, please call our crisis line at (517)372-6666.

If you cannot reach an advocate, or if you would prefer to talk to someone by phone, please contact our 24/7 crisis line at (517) 372-6666.

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.

To schedule an appointment at the Center for Survivors please call (517) 355-3551.

You can also visit our office at this address:

Center for Survivors
Student Services Building, Room 207A
556 East Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48824

If you are not part of Michigan State University or located in the greater Lansing area, please feel free to call the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network’s national hotline at (800) 656-4673. Their online chat is available here. You can also call the State of Michigan 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line at 866-VOICES4 or the State of Michigan 24/7 Domestic Violence Crisis Line at 866-VOICEDV

MSU Center for Survivors
Crisis Services
Crisis Chat