What if I've Been Sexually Assaulted?

Call for Help & Support

To help sort out your options and receive emotional support, you can reach out to our Crisis Hotline or Crisis Chat. Both services are free and confidential and open to any person who needs assistance. (You do not have to be affiliated with MSU). 

24-hour Crisis Hotline: (517) 372-6666

Crisis Chat 10am-10pm: centerforsurvivors.msu.edu

In the case of an emergency, call 911

Consider Getting Medical Attention

A sexual assault medical forensic exam is a free medical examination to provide medical treatment and collect evidence up to 5 days after a sexual assault. The exam is completed by a healthcare provider with specialized training called a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).

If you seek a medical forensic exam you can receive medical treatment for injuries and trauma, access to preventative treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV, or pregnancy, and preserve evidence to give you time to decide whether you would like to report the crime. 

Learn more about medical forensic exams here: Sexual Assault Forensic Exams 101 (PDF)

Where do I go to receive a medical forensic exam?

Most hospitals offer medical forensic exams, and some community-based programs offer this service as well. Below is the information for the two programs offering medical forensic exams in the greater Lansing area. To find a local SANE program, call the RAINN hotline 1-800-656-HOPE(4673).

MSU Sexual Assault Healthcare Program

Open to any person 18 and older, walk-in 24/7 or call ahead 517-353-2700

Student Services Building 2nd Floor

556 E. Circle Dr. East Lansing, MI 48824

Sparrow Hospital Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program

Open to children and adults, walk-in to ER 24/7, 517-364-1000

1215 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing, MI 48912

Consider your Reporting Options

Justice and healing can mean different things to different people. Some survivors have found that reporting has been an important step towards healing. Every person’s situation is different, and the decision to report is completely up to you.  Advocates can help you to understand your options and support you throughout the process.

Reporting processes can be complicated and overwhelming. Staff Advocates at the Center for Survivors can provide you with confidential support an information to understand your options and make the choice that is best for you. Call the Center for Survivors front desk at 517-355-3551 during business hours and ask to be connected to a staff Advocate. 

To learn more about these reporting options you can view this Special Victims Unit Resource Sheet (PDF) from MSU Police Department. 

Learn more about the criminal justice system and the process of reporting to the police or the Department of Attorney General Victim Advocates

Consider Speaking with a Therapist

Healing and recovery after an experience of sexual violence is a process, and it looks different for everyone, but healing is possible. There is no timeline for recovery and the journey of healing has its ups and downs. Speaking with a trained therapist might help you to understand how this experience has impacted you and how to start your journey to recovery. 

MSU students can call the Center for Survivors front desk 517-355-3551 during business hours and ask to be connected with a therapist. For off-campus referrals contact our Crisis Hotline 517-372-6666 or Crisis Chat https://centerforsurvivors.msu.edu/ or view our Survivor Resources List (PDF)